E-Scooter Safety

E-Scooter Safety

The ESG covers the basics of electric scooter safety, including advice on how to drive safely, what essential accessories you'll need, why and how to prevent your scooter from being stolen, and backed up by real research.

Now that you know what safety equipment you should be using and have some tips on how to avoid accidents, here are some real-life electric scooter safety studies to back up our advice. 

Riding electric scooters is safe if you know what to check before riding to avoid accidents (and wear a helmet). As an electric scooter driver, it is important to follow the rules of the road and follow the rules of the road to keep yourself safe. It is critical that campus programs promote safety advice when using electric scooters, such as speed advice, with comprehensive training on the dangers of speeding when operating an electric scooter, as well as high-quality campus signage. 

Through proper communication, high-quality marketing of simple e-scooter safety tips, and a cohesive campaign to persuade all students on board to follow these safety practices, campuses can initiate effective e-scooter and safety programs. With increased federal oversight and new legislation requiring the use of helmets and other safety measures, they are more likely to avoid scooter-related injuries for people using e-scooters. In these accidents, the state also has a responsibility, requiring the use of helmets and new safety measures to protect motorcyclists and their surroundings. 

While the use of protective gear while riding a rented electric scooter is not yet a legal requirement, the injuries that have already occurred in countries, along with the long-term danger of a similar increase in serious head injuries as shown in the United States, mean that motorcyclists must use appropriate protective clothing when using electric scooters. While many e-scooter routes have helmets available at rental locations because they are not required by law, the public can currently use e-scooters in test areas without protective clothing. 

Some cities allow private e-scooters on the road, while others only allow scooter sharing. Electric scooters are fast, affordable and environmentally friendly, but it's important to take precautions to protect yourself and others. Unfortunately, in countries like the US, there are no clear laws requiring people who ride e-scooters or electric skateboards to use certain accessories that could keep them safe and help make electric scooters safe. 

We reached out to over 2,000 e-scooter riders on Facebook to find out what over 2 favorite safety measures/rules they used while riding. The Governor's Highway Traffic Safety Association added that investing in infrastructure, such as protected bike lanes, can help provide safer places for both cyclists and motorcyclists to move around, reducing the risk of car and pedestrian crashes. Loss of balance is the cause of a significant number of injuries from electric scooters; therefore, if you are carrying a bag or similar item, make sure it is well balanced before you travel to avoid accidents. 

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